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[Maeil Business Newspaper] RBH selects Seol In-ah as model for professional hair brand CADIVEU

[Photo] CADIVEU Ambassador: Actress Seol In-ah

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RBC Co., Ltd. (CEO: Lee Sang-gyu), which is taking a new leap forward with the beauty tech platform 'Alsa (I Love Salon)', announced that it has selected actress Seol In-ah (pictured) as the exclusive model for professional hair brand 'CADIVEU'.

Seol In-ah received a lot of love at home and abroad through the SBS drama 'In-house Confrontation', which successfully ended this year, and is building a solid filmography by confirming her appearance as the main character in the KBS 2TV drama 'Oasis', scheduled to be broadcast in the first half of next year. In addition, with the honor of being selected as a rising star at the recently held '2022 Brand of the Year Awards', it is expected to be active in various fields.

An official from RBH Co., Ltd. said, “In addition to Seol In-ah’s sophisticated and lovely image, we expect to be able to convey the brand value to the wider public through her confident and bright energy, which enjoys various challenges and shows a ‘full of passion’ lifestyle.” “I do it,” he said.

Seol In-ah plans to approach the public as an ambassador for the CADIVEU brand, starting with the recent CADIVEU Acai Oil CF advertisement and photo shoot.

[Researcher Namgung Seon-hee]
[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper &, unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited]

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